As Dallas Stars fans, we sometimes speak a language that is entirely our own. In the midst of changes and things that may feel uncertain, here are some things that we have in common and can count on to stay the same.
You may be a Stars fan if…
1. You wish turnovers only came out of the oven and never out of the neutral zone.

2. There are certain phrases that are like the song of your people. (“Everybody ropes, everybody rides,” “The Rous is loose!” “Benn…Benn…BENN!!” Amirite, or amirite?)
3. You oftentimes feel like your true family lives within the Twittersphere.
4. In Nill we trust.

5. And sometime in Benneguin, too. But everyone has their Achilles heel. So mostly in Nill.
6. You can hold grudges better than anyone you know (hello, Kulikov, Reaves, the Anaheim Ducks?)
7. If you had a penny for every time you heard, “What, you actually have hockey in Texas? Doesn’t the ice melt?” you could buy enough ice to cover all of Texas. Twice.
8. Absolutely no lead is large enough to make you comfortable.
9. The team feels like a family, and every time someone leaves it, no matter who, it’s always kind of sad.
10. And for that reason, you spend all of July biting your fingernails to the bare end. And by the time they regenerate, it’s October and time to start stressing all over again.
11. Thoughts of the moment Jamie Benn won the Art Ross will always give you chills. You will always remember exactly where you were when you saw/found out about it.
12. You understand that the best leaders (and duos and underdog heroes) can be found (and usually are) in the least likely of places.
13. Certain items will never seem the same to you again. Rubber duckies, for starters.
14. You’ve kind of gotten used to being the underdog. You kind of enjoy it sometimes. You know how to milk it for all it’s worth and throw it back in everyone’s faces when you come out on top.
15. When BringHockeyBack features a Dallas-specific shirt, even if you are broke, you buy like seven and have absolutely no regrets.

16. You have more faith- and higher blood pressure- than the average hockey fan.
17. No matter how much time goes by, beating Boston will always give you the best, most smug feeling ever.
18. And above all, you are constantly impressed by the tenacity and talent of the team you choose to cheer for over and over, up or down.
Next: Dallas Stars Set To Unveil Two Championship Banners
Win or lose, change or stay the same, the Stars will always be, well, the Stars. And there are certain Stars-y things that we will love about them forever and always until hockey pucks are obsolete. Which things and events have been quintessential in your experience as a Dallas Stars fan?