Dallas Stars Fans: Offseason Stages Without NHL Hockey

DALLAS, TX - FEBRUARY 24: Dallas Stars fans celebrate a win against the Arizona Coyotes at the American Airlines Center on February 24, 2017 in Dallas, Texas. (Photo by Glenn James/NHLI via Getty Images)
DALLAS, TX - FEBRUARY 24: Dallas Stars fans celebrate a win against the Arizona Coyotes at the American Airlines Center on February 24, 2017 in Dallas, Texas. (Photo by Glenn James/NHLI via Getty Images) /

The offseason has been going on for a while now and the amount of time spent wondering if it’s October yet is immense. These are the various stages that Dallas Stars fans have likely experienced in the dreaded wait for October thus far and looking ahead.

The Dallas Stars’ season ended in early April this year after a seriously underwhelming season. Since then, there have undoubtedly been a number of phases each fan has encountered.

Denial and excuses

Following up a Central Division Title season with one where the playoffs were as likely as taking a trip to Mars is enough to make any Stars fan go crazy. There was a time when fans of Dallas were in denial that the playoffs were even underway. It was just an extended break that the Stars earned, right?

Ultimately this phase transitioned into its second form: excuses. Everything under the sun – from injury to youth – made its way into the minds of Stars fans. While they sustained an unusual amount of injuries during the season and influential players like Jamie Benn were playing at less than 100 percent throughout the season, it doesn’t excuse their poor performances.

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Nonetheless, Stars fans were trying to cut their team some slack, which certainly was a coping mechanism for their lackluster year.


There’s nothing better to do when trying to forget a troublesome time than distract yourself. For Stars fans, this meant dealing with anything that wasn’t hockey-related. Stanley Cup Playoffs? Never heard of it.

Whether the focus of your free time became another sport or taking up a new hobby, you likely tried your best to keep your mind free of anything related to the Stars in order to keep your composure.

The distraction phase may, however, have been hockey-related for some. In the event that a fan just couldn’t get away from the wonderful world of hockey, they likely invested entirely too much time in becoming more knowledgable about the Expansion Draft and Entry Draft.

That means formulating possible rosters for the Las Vegas Golden Knights, trying to figure out just who the Stars would protect – and who they would lose – and researching potential draft picks.

Excitement about 2017-18

This phase is undoubtedly the best. The 2016-17 season is long gone and a new leaf has been turned. For fans, that means looking ahead with excitement in tow.

Jim Nill signed an immense amount of players this offseason and this phase is the one that has been sprinkled in phases throughout the offseason since they inked Ben Bishop. There’s no reason to dwell on the past when it can’t be changed, and this phase is a testament to that.

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Ultimately, the offseason is hard for everyone who didn’t end the year lifting the Cup. It’s especially challenging for teams like Dallas that were complete failures, but there’s no reason to waste time or energy on the past.

The 2017-18 excitement phase is ideal for fans of the Stars, especially with the moves they’ve made. Now it’s just about waiting for October.